Two years ago, almost to the day, Ryan was undergoing surgery to his left hand. His recovery has been challenging, remarkable and ultimately successful. Ryan’s amazing journey continues, with bucket-list-level milestones passed and dream-come-true plans in the works. Last Christmas, not long after he played for our 2023 Concert for Creative Response, he announced his next album collaboration with his musical hero, the legendary Irish fiddler Martin Hayes. We were absolutely overjoyed for him!
That’s why we just couldn’t wipe the dopey grin off our face when Ryan turned up at Guildford train station, fiddle and massive suitcase in tow, last Saturday to kick off his UK tour with Gillie O’Flaherty.
From Ryan’s playing of the first of two tunes for the workshop, we knew the day would be one of those feel-good dreams you don’t want to end. Ryan showed our workshop participants how to give life and expression to tunes, from simple grace notes, and bending notes, to a tricky flick of the little finger to mimic a bagpipe embellishment.
Video: Here he is demonstrating the "Ryan Flick"
Having organised and joined quite a few folk workshops over the years, we can take it for granted that such talented musicians are so willing to share their knowledge with us. We were reminded of how lucky we were by one of our classically trained participants, who, with a face full of astonishment, told us he thought he had joined a masterclass!
In the evening, St Mary’s Nave filled with a large, expectant audience. Some were friends and supporters, others had caught Ryan's sets at local festivals and had been instantly hooked.
Ryan has a delightful interest in comparing Irish and Scottish tune names. While Irish tune titles are full of regret and yearning, the Scottish name for the same tune tends to have a more optimistic air.
Apologising for the lack of projection of his speaking voice, his fiddle voice nonetheless soared with arresting clarity, soul and feeling as it filled St Mary’s lovely acoustic space. Gillie’s sensitive accompaniment was an ideal match for Ryan’s expansive dynamic range. His boundless energy completely attuned to Ryan's exhilarating build up of tempo.
Video: 60 seconds that take your breath away! Ryan and Gillie performing "Johnny's Wedding"
With every set, we got a sense of what Ryan has experienced - his struggle with health, his fear of not being able to play again, his gratitude and joy at being able, now, to put everything into his performance. He chose to close with the beautiful pipe tune “Loch MacLeod” as a solo encore. As the final note drifted away, we held our breath. Rapturous applause broke the spell and we all blinked, eyes bright and wet, but buoyed by the optimism that comes from the triumphant performance of two hugely talented young musicians.
(All photos and videos taken by Jo Hughes)
Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting live music.
Huge thanks to Ryan and Gillie for making the long trip down South by train and for making this such a special event for all of us. Special thanks to Carole for her help behind the bar and to my Mum for her home-made brownies, which have become a constant reminder of her unconditional love at Folk Inspiration gigs.
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Ryan Young
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There’s still time to vote for Ryan for Album of the Year at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Awards (vote by 10 Nov)
Gillie O’Flaherty
Follow him on social media
Vote for Gillie who has been nominated for Up and Coming Artist of the Year at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Awards (vote by 10 Nov)
Ryan Young & Gillie O’Flaherty, 2 Nov 2024
St Mary’s Church Guildford
Set list:
The Drover Lads - trad arranged R. Young
Fingal’s Cave - trad arranged R. Young
Caber Feidh - trad arranged R. Young
To Chase The Goats Off The Rocks - trad arranged R. Young
The Rock and Wee Pickle Tow - trad arranged R. Young
The Monday Morning Reel - Phil Cunningham
The Sweet Maid Of Glendaruel - trad arranged R. Young
The Dornoch Links - trad arranged R. Young
The Luachrachan’s - Junior Crehan
The High Hills Of Tara - trad arranged R. Young
Dolina Mackay - John Scott
Mrs MacGugan’s Rant - trad arranged R. Young
Knit The Pocky - trad arranged R. Young
The Skylark’s Ascension - Archibald Lindsey
The Banks of the Deveron - trad arranged R. Young
Jenny Dang The Weaver - trad arranged R. Young
Miss Georgina Campbell - trad arranged R. Young
Up Da Stroods - trad arranged R. Young
The Goat Island Reel - Dougie Hunter
I’ll Hap Ye In My Plaiddie - trad arranged R. Young
Mrs MacGlashan’s - trad arranged R. Young
Ryan’s Favourite - trad arranged R. Young
Strathbogie Toast - trad arranged R. Young
Johnny’s Wedding - trad arranged R. Young
James Cameron’s - Jerry Holland
The Steamboat - trad arranged R. Young
Loch Torridon - trad arranged R. Young
Bang Your Frog on the Sofa - Will Harmon
The Bird’s Nest - trad arranged R. Young
Little Donald in the Pigpen - trad arranged R. Young
Loch MacLeod - trad arranged R. Young